Here is a list of the responsibilities of the Councils. If you are unsure of who to call, please call the Clerk at Sawston Parish Council who will be able to help
The Parish Council is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the following:
- Cambridge Road Parish Cemetery and Chapel
- Burials within the cemetery
- St Marys Churchyard (closed churchyard-grass cutting only)
- The Parish Clock in the tower of St Mary’s Church
- Deal Grove Open Space and play equipment
- Teversham Way Open Space
- Broadmeadow Open Space
- Church Lane Open Space (Hall Crescent)
- Woodland Road/Princess Drive Open Space
- Orchard Park Open Space and play equipment
- The Millennium Copse
- London Road Allotments
- Bus Shelters
- Seats
- Provision of Litter and Dog Bins
- Village Litterpicking
- Some street lighting
- Spicers Sports Ground sports pitches and Pavilion
- Mill Lane Recreation Ground sports pitches, play equipment and Pavilion
- Lynton Way Recreation Ground sports pitches, play equipment and Pavilion
- Footpaths in some parts of the village
- Some grass verges in the village on behalf of Cambridgeshire County Council
- Christmas lights through the High Street
- Bonfire/Fireworks Night
- Hanging Baskets through the High Street
South Cambs District Council (SCDC) is responsible for:
- Recycling
- Refuse collection
- Fly tipping
- Council housing
- Planning
- Building control
- Environmental health
- Dog fouling
- Some roads, verges and pavements
- Some trees
- Graffiti removal
- Some road signs
Cambridge County Council (CCC) is responsible for:
Problems on the highways include potholes, kerbs, verges, flooding, hedges and trees, public rights of way, road markings and signs and traffic signals.
- Public library
- Schools
- Some trees
- Some public footpaths
- Care services
- Adult social services
- Children’s services
- Blue badges/disabled parking
- Trading standards